I assumed when I created this blog that only my friends on FB would read it and perhaps a few others who might run across it. I never dreamed it would have almost 1000 page views in only eight days, which tells me I miscalculated the number of people who need it. I'm wanting to write daily, which was never my intention. I will keep writing as long as you keep reading. Somehow, it just feels right, right now, to fill you in on who I am and why I'm compelled to write.
I am a fifty-eight year old grandmother, exactly twice the age of the person you're reading about. I can write with conviction that there's a light at the end of the tunnel because I've seen it. I've been there and done that when it comes to battling depression, having OCD, anxiety, panic attacks, manic-depression and, early on, even thoughts of suicide. I have no fear of losing a job or what others think. It's just my time to write. My intention is not to take the place of your doctor, counselor, psychiatrist, etc., or even present myself as an expert in any way. I just want others who're ashamed, fearful to talk or simply don't have a clue about what's going on, to recognize something in me that might apply to them.
I'll be honest with you. The journey can be difficult. There was a time, in my thirties, that a successful day was just making it to the end of it alive. A good friend told me to try having just one good day. Then try having two. She understood that for me, life was hard, progress was slow, and had to be measured in baby steps .
Don't let people who think mental illness is a sign of weakness, or that it doesn't exist or that it's a lack of faith discourage you, make you feel bad about yourself or guilty. Attempting to live with yourself and the disease is hard enough as it is. Having to deal with an uninformed or misinformed person, puts unnecessary guilt on you that compounds your problems. Try to find a friend who will listen, one you can trust -- one that will let you say anything or nothing at all. If you have no one who understands, then keep reading this blog.
I am a fifty-eight year old grandmother, exactly twice the age of the person you're reading about. I can write with conviction that there's a light at the end of the tunnel because I've seen it. I've been there and done that when it comes to battling depression, having OCD, anxiety, panic attacks, manic-depression and, early on, even thoughts of suicide. I have no fear of losing a job or what others think. It's just my time to write. My intention is not to take the place of your doctor, counselor, psychiatrist, etc., or even present myself as an expert in any way. I just want others who're ashamed, fearful to talk or simply don't have a clue about what's going on, to recognize something in me that might apply to them.
I'll be honest with you. The journey can be difficult. There was a time, in my thirties, that a successful day was just making it to the end of it alive. A good friend told me to try having just one good day. Then try having two. She understood that for me, life was hard, progress was slow, and had to be measured in baby steps .
Don't let people who think mental illness is a sign of weakness, or that it doesn't exist or that it's a lack of faith discourage you, make you feel bad about yourself or guilty. Attempting to live with yourself and the disease is hard enough as it is. Having to deal with an uninformed or misinformed person, puts unnecessary guilt on you that compounds your problems. Try to find a friend who will listen, one you can trust -- one that will let you say anything or nothing at all. If you have no one who understands, then keep reading this blog.
I am hanging on....I am hanging when you see me put on fb.....just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. Love ya....just keep listening and writing. God is good!